Ecology and Behavior of 3 Wild Orphaned Brown Bear Cubs in Spain

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  • Create Date 1 January 1997

We monitored 3 wild brown bear (Ursus arctos) cubs orphaned in July 1991 (approximately 6 months old) in the Cantabrian Mountains over autumn, denning, and den emergence periods, totalling 57 observation days and more than 113 hours time-in-sight. Their diet followed that reported in bear diet studies from the area and included items unknown to them. They denned from 8 December to 18 March and separated in early May 1992, at least 1 year earlier than other litters. Their home range from October 1991 to May 1992 was 0.82 km2. We suggest that they limited themselves to a previously known, small area to maximize their security to the detriment of their feeding opportunities.