Supporting scientists, managers and conservation

From humble beginnings in 1968, the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA) has grown into a thriving community of bear biologists, managers, technicians, educators, and conservationists. We have approximately 500 members in over 40 countries, and receive assistance from donors, partner organizations and non-members as well.

IBA impacts bear conservation through conferences, publications, grants, and our website. Our efforts focus on supporting our members’ work and helping train the next generation of bear professionals. Please help us to help bears by making a donation to IBA, your support is vital to the continued success of our organization.

John Hechtel – IBA President


Species: Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant Panda)

Location: Minshan Mountains, China (33°38’N 103°36’E)

Wild Population: Estimated 1,864 individuals

IUCN Status: Vulnerable (VU)

Our Mission

We advance scientific understanding and global conservation of the world’s eight bear species.

Our Vision

We envision a world where all eight bear species can thrive and coexist with humans.

What's happening at IBA...

IBA Management Committee

Results of the 2022 Survey of American Black Bear Management in the United States and Canada

In 2023, the IBA surveyed 62 jurisdictions across the U.S. and Canada on black bear management. This summary highlights key findings for wildlife managers and the public.

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Ursus 2024 Volume 35 Articles 24-25

This volume provides two new open access articles. IBA members can access all URSUS articles through the BioOne link in the members area.

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External Workshops

Abstract Deadline Extended to February 7th-Eastern Black Bear Workshop

Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to February 7th, 2025.

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The Fall IBN is Available! Volume 33(3)

The newest edition of International Bear News is now available for download.

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IBA Conferences

It’s Official: The 28th IBA Conference is Carbon Neutral!

The 28th IBA Conference is certified carbon neutral!

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Submit your Bear Photos for the next URSUS Cover!

We're looking for the next cover photo for Volume 36 of IBA's peer-reviewed journal, URSUS. Deadline to submit photos is 15 January 2025.

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Edmonton, Alberta

We are thrilled to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us for the 28th International Conference on Bear Research and Management in the stunning city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! Your participation turned this event into a remarkable success, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing journey towards bear conservation.

After a six-year break from in-person events due to COVID-19, we were delighted to welcome 400 attendees and 27 guests at our banquet dinner, representing 31 different countries. It was a joyous celebration of togetherness, where we united to share our vision of a world in which all eight bear species can thrive alongside humans. This conference is part of the broader conservation efforts of the IBA, aimed at advancing scientific understanding and promoting global stewardship of bears.

For those looking to access information specific to the Edmonton conference, the Conference Website will remain live until the general IBA conference information page is available on the main IBA site. Thank for being an essential part of this incredible journey! Your support means so much.

Become an IBA member

Membership in the IBA benefits bear researchers, managers, students and conservationists alike. The IBA offers connectivity with peers, professional meetings, publications, and updated information and news pertaining to bears and bear projects worldwide. Membership entitles you to receive International Bear News, and access to our peer-reviewed journal Ursus. It is the most comprehensive publication dedicated specifically to bear research and management. Other membership benefits include various discounts during our international conferences, and voting privileges.


IBA is an non-profit professional society with members from over 45 different countries who dedicate their time to protecting bears. Small and large donations alike collectively fund IBA’ programs including grants for frontline work for bears, our peer-reviewed journal Ursus and global conferences. Please consider supporting our work by donating today.


Species: Ursus maritimus (Polar bear)

Location: Northern Beaufort Sea, Canada (77°24’N 120°15’E)

Wild Population: Estimated 26,500 individuals

IUCN Status: Vulnerable (VU)

Thank you to our fundraising partners