IBA holds a recognized position in the world conservation arena and Council frequently receives requests from members and the public to address policy issues related to bear management, conservation, and research. As a professional scientific organization, IBA must maintain scientific objectivity when agreeing to address a policy issue or develop a position statement. IBA Council established Policy Guidance based on six criteria to determine whether IBA involvement in policy issues is appropriate. If you are considering a request for a position or policy statement from IBA, please first read our Policy Guidance document answering the six points of criteria required for a position statement or letter and contact the IBA President or Director of Operations and Programs with details of your request. IBA Council is all-volunteer and position statements often require thorough research and recruitment of expert consult on a specific topic therefore, we ask consideration is given to the amount of time required to produce these important statements. We understand that each request is different and will assess individually but suggest a minimum of 30 days following the request.
© 2025 International Association for Bear Research and Management.
We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land, sea and waters, of the area that we live, work and research across the earth. We recognise their continued custodianship and connection to the land, waters and community. We respect and honor Elders past, present and emerging. Our hope is that we move forward with open minds listening and learning from their wisdom and knowledge.