Denning of Brown Bears in Croatia

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  • Create Date 1 January 1997

Twenty-eight dens of 15 different European brown bears (Ursus arctos) were located, monitored and measured during 1981-92. Ten of them were used by females with cubs, 9 by single females, 5 by males, and 4 by bears of unknown category. Occasionally bears used >1 den in the same winter (4 bears used 2-5 dens, mean = 3). Only 2 of these den changes were attributed to human disturbance. The local abundance of natural caves is probably the reason most dens (22) were built in rock cavities; 3 were ground nests under the canopy of conifers; 2 were excavated cavities under the roots of large standing trees, and 1 was in a horizontal hollow tree.