Bear Safety

Learn essential safety principles for co-existing with black, grizzly, and polar bears in North America through expert-led videos covering bear behavior, prevention strategies, and response planning.

Staying Safe in Bear Country

This is the primary video in the Safety in Bear Country video series, and is a major educational tool for anyone living, traveling, or working in black and grizzly bear country in North America. It includes the consensus opinion of leading experts on bear behavior and its relevance to human safety.  Viewers will develop a better understanding of bear behavior and how this knowledge can help them to minimize the chance of bear encounters and bear attacks. The video stresses that a much greater degree of co-existence with bears is possible if people understand and apply a few safety principles.

The Safety in Bear Country Society has partnered with IBA to make the classic video available to everyone. You can view and share the video below, or through IBA’s YouTube Channel here.

This video is also available in French.

Working in Bear Country

This video presents the consensus opinion of leading experts on working safely in grizzly and black bear country. It is essential to view Staying Safe in Bear Country before viewing Working in Bear Country. This video discusses reducing human injury and property damage from bears through: Field Safety, Camp Safety, Bear Detection Systems, Bear Deterrents, Firearms and Bear Response Planning.

This video is also available in French.

Polar Bear Safety

This video contains important information on how to reduce your chance of encountering a polar bear and how to respond appropriately if you do meet a bear. This video was a collaborative effort of the Safety in Bear Country Society (SIBCS) in cooperation with the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA), including input from Inuit Elders and others knowledgeable about staying safe in polar bear country. Live, travel, and work safely in polar bear country with this practical advice.

This video is also available in Inuktitut and French.