
Learn about the various IBA Committees and the Chairs who run them.

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Management Committee

The IBA Management Committee collaborates with the IBA Council to develop programs and resources tailored to the needs of bear managers. By providing tools, guidance, and training, the committee supports professionals responsible for managing bear populations and their habitats, ensuring that management practices are informed by the latest research and conservation strategies.

Dave Telesco

Co-Chair | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

United States of America

Dave Telesco graduated with a B.S. in Forestry and Wildlife Resources from Virginia Tech.  After graduation, Dave worked for 4 years on a variety of wildlife projects across the country. He earned his M.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Science at The University of Tennessee, where he worked on bear population estimation and habitat modeling. He has worked as the Bear Management Program Coordinator for Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission since December 2008. Dave’s main focus at FWC is to take actions to ensure and maintain the successful recovery of the Florida black bear while alleviating and preventing human-bear conflicts.

Becca Carniello

Co-Chair | Nevada Department of Wildlife

United States of America

Becca Carniello graduated with her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in wildlife biology from Humboldt State University where her research focused on black bear genetics and behavioral ecology of carnivores and ungulates. Before starting her current position, she worked with various species in California and Nevada including black bear, bobcat, elk, and greater sage-grouse. Becca is now a game biologist for the Nevada Department of Wildlife in Reno, Nevada, USA where she primarily works with Nevada’s growing black bear population.

Micheline Mamone

Committee Member | Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources


Micheline Mamone is the Provincial Coordinator for Human/Wildlife Management at the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. She leads the Ontario Bear Wise program, which focuses on reducing human-bear conflicts through education, prevention, and response strategies. Micheline provides direction and expertise in managing conflicts and interactions with black bears, polar bears, white-tailed deer, moose, and other wildlife species. She specializes in developing and delivering non-lethal management solutions and provincial training programs. Micheline earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Nipissing University and has been an IBA member since 2016.

Hilary Cooley

Committee Member | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

United States of America

Hilary is the Grizzly Bear Recovery Coordinator for the US Fish and Wildlife Service. She has worked for the US Fish and Wildlife Service for over 10 years, first as the Wolf Recovery Coordinator for the Northwest Region and then as the Polar Bear Program Lead in Alaska. She also spent time working for Idaho Department of Fish and Game as a regional wolf biologist. Her wildlife career began working on mountain lions in Wyoming and then in Washington, where she received a M.S. and Ph.D. studying mountain lion prey selection and population demographics at Washington State University.

Paul Frame

Committee Member | Alberta Environment and Parks


Paul Frame is the Provincial Carnivore Specialist for Alberta Environment and Parks. He is responsible for policy initiatives and general coordination of provincial level programs for bears, wolves, and cougars. Before joining the Department in June of 2014, Paul worked as a biologist with polar bears in Nunavut, and wolves in the Northwest Territories, Idaho, Montana, Washington, and Alberta. He has a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Management from the University of Minnesota and a Master’s in Ecology from the University of Alberta. 

Lindsey Mangipane

Committee Member | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

United States of America

Lindsey Mangipane is a Wildlife Biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Polar Bear Team. Since joining USFWS in 2019, Lindsey’s work has primarily focused on preventing and mitigating human-polar bear conflicts. Additionally, Lindsey works as one of the representatives for the United States to the 1973 Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears (otherwise known as the Polar Bear Range States). Before joining the USFWS, Lindsey worked with Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks where she helped to resolve conflicts between grizzly bears and people. She then attended graduate school at Mississippi State University where she completed her master’s thesis evaluating the effects of dietary plasticity and landscape heterogeneity on brown bears in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve. Lindsey lives in Anchorage, Alaska with her husband and their dog, Stanley.

Colleen Olfenbuttel

Committee Member | North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission

United States of America

Colleen Olfenbuttel is the statewide Black Bear and Furbearer Biologist for North Carolina (12+ years) and has been involved in bear research and management for about 20 years. She received a B.S. in wildlife biology from Ohio University (1996) and a M.S. in wildlife management from Virginia Tech (2005). She is an active member of The Wildlife Society (TWS), serving on various boards, and has been a member of the IBA since 2000. She previously served as co-chair of the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) Large Carnivore Working Group, is a member of the Southern Appalachian Black Bear Study Group, serves on the Eastern Black Bear Workshop Steering Committee (EBBW), and has been on several planning committees for the EBBW.

Mark Vieira

Committee Member | Colorado Parks and Wildlife

United States of America

Mark Vieira has been the statewide program manager for black bears, mountain lions and furbearers for Colorado Parks and Wildlife since 2017. He is responsible for coordination and implementation of statewide management and harvest programs as well as influencing and developing policy and funding prioritization for game carnivore species. Previously, Mark served as a game biologist in north-central Colorado for CPW from 2001-2017. He has a B.A. biology from St. Mary’s College of Maryland and an M.S. in wildlife biology from Colorado State University.

Tammy Waldorp

Committee Member | South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

United States of America

Tammy Waldrop is a Wildlife Biologist with South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. She graduated with a MS degree in Wildlife from Clemson University in 1997. After graduation, Tammy worked as a biologist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for several years before moving back to South Carolina to Work with SCDNR. Tammy worked with the Land, Water and Conservation Division for many years assisting farmers and landowners with natural resource protection and wildlife management through US Farm Bill programs. Since 2010 Tammy has served as a Unit Biologist and the Upstate Black Bear Coordinator for SCDNR.

Conference Committee

The Conference Committee is responsible for facilitating potential host’s bid development and providing guidance to selected hosts for organizing and overseeing the association’s international conferences. IBA’s conferences serve as a platform for researchers, managers, and conservationists to exchange knowledge and collaborate on bear conservation efforts. The committee works closely with local hosts to plan and execute these events, ensuring they foster meaningful discussions and promote the advancement of bear research and management globally.

Frank van Manen

Co-Chair | USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team

United States of America

Martyn Obbard

Co-Chair | Retired - Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources


Conference Travel Grants Committee

The committee reviews applications and awards grants to individuals, ensuring broader participation and the sharing of diverse perspectives at these international events, particularly from underrepresented regions. The committee selects students, and conservationists from around the world, helping them attend IBA conferences. 

Martyn Obbard

Chair | Retired - Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources


Research and Conservation Grants Committee

The Research and Conservation Grants Committee evaluates grant proposals and recommends projects for funding that advance scientific knowledge and promote the conservation of bear species and their habitats for grant awards. By supporting innovative research, this committee helps drive impactful conservation efforts across the globe.

Karyn Rode

Co-Chair | USGS Alaska Science Center

United States of America

Gordon Warburton

Co-Chair | Retired - North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission

United States of America

Experience and Exchange Grants Committee

The Experience and Exchange Grants Committee evaluates grant proposals and recommends projects for funding that facilitate professional development and knowledge exchange among bear researchers and conservationists. By supporting opportunities for individuals to gain hands-on experience or collaborate with peers in different regions, the grants  foster global learning and skill-building that enhance bear conservation efforts worldwide.

Frank van Manen

Co-Chair | USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team

United States of America

Shyamala Ratnayeke


United States of America