Eastern Black Bear Workshops

Connecting wildlife professionals across the eastern USA and Canada, the Eastern Black Bear Workshop fosters collaboration and problem-solving for the management and conservation of black bear populations.

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The purpose of the biennial Eastern Black Bear Workshop is to bring together state/provincial biologists, federal biologists, and university researchers with responsibilities for managing black bear populations in the eastern USA and Canada to discuss issues important to the management, conservation, and perpetuation of those black bear populations. EBBWs are inherently different from general conferences. Whereas conferences have the purpose of sharing information through the presentation of research and management papers, EBBWs are designed not only to share information, but more specifically to discuss and find solutions to problems of managing bear populations at the regional level. EBBWs are “working” meetings and not intended to duplicate conferences designed for just listening and learning. The first official Eastern Black Bear Workshop was held in Delmar, New York in July 1972. Since 1972, the Workshop has had a consistent and successful track record of 23 biennial meetings hosted by 19 states and one Canadian province.
