A program to recover the threatened grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) has been underway in the states of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Washington since 1981. This program involves implementing a recovery plan through interagency cooperation to limit mortality, increase public awareness, manage habitat to assure the security and food necessary for survival, manage bear-human conflicts, and perform necessary research. Progress to date has included development of a coordinated management effort that has improved the status of bears and increased public involvement in bear conservation. Cooperative efforts of this type have the greatest chance of success where all parties approach the complex decisions required for grizzly bear recovery with a willingness to work together. Public support is critical to success of the program. A list of research and management needs is suggested.
- Author(s) Christopher Servheen
- Volume 10
- Issue
- Pages 591-596
- Publication Date 1 January 1998
- File Size 223.88 KB
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