Home range, movements, and activity patterns of a brown bear in Serbia

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  • Create Date 1 December 2015

We present satellite telemetry data for a subadult brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Serbia, documenting movements and activity for 273 days (Apr 2007 to Jan 2008). Average of daily movements was 4.29 (±2.99 SD) km. The longest daily movement was recorded in June (15.62 km), while the largest home range was recorded in May-June (1,060.9 km2). Total 95% minimum convex polygon home range was 4,366.5 km2, which is one of the largest home ranges recorded for a brown bear in Europe. During the monitoring period the bear moved throughout the western part of Serbia, and made movements into Bosnia and Herzegovina, highlighting the necessity of international coordination in the conservation of bears in the region. We propose an increase in brown bear research, and continued monitoring and management efforts at a national level.