Food Habits of Malayan Sun Bears in Lowland Tropical Forests of Borneo

Food habits of Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) in the Ulu Segama Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia, were studied from 1998-2000 by analyzing scats, examining feeding sites, and directly observing bears. Invertebrates such as termites (Isoptera), beetles (Coleoptera), and beetle larvae (Coleoptera) were the predominant food items, occurring in 57% of the scat samples. Figs (Ficus sp.) were the most common fruit consumed (in 61% of the samples) during the non-fruiting season. Vertebrates were also consumed but less commonly. Most feeding sites (60%) were in decaying wood, where sun bears foraged for termites, beetles, and beetle larvae. Tree cavities with bee nests and decaying standing stumps were also recorded as feeding sites. We conclude that sun bears are opportunistic omnivores consuming a wide variety of food items.

  • Author(s) Siew Te Wong and Christopher Servheen and Laurentius Ambu
  • Volume 13
  • Issue
  • Pages 127-136
  • Publication Date 1 January 2002
  • DOI
  • File Size 1.24 MB