We estimated black bear (Ursus americanus) density and population size in the Snowy Range of southeast Wyoming, an area suspected of supporting few bears. We captured 26 bears in 3 study areas during intensive trapping efforts (1,161 trap nights) in 1994-95. Using infrared-activated camera systems to identify marked and unmarked bears visiting bait stations, we estimated population size of the 3 areas with program NOREMARK then calculated density. The estimated population size in 1995 was 70 bears; density estimates ranged from 1.75-3.73 bears/100 km2 for the 3 areas, with a mean of 2.54 bears/100 km2 (95% CI = 2.11-2.97). Black bear density in the Snowy Range was considerably lower than density estimates previously reported for populations in the mountains of western North America.
- Author(s) Ronald G. Grogan and Frederick G. Lindzey
- Volume 11
- Issue
- Pages 117-122
- Publication Date 1 January 1999
- File Size 222.33 KB
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