Endoparasites of brown bears in Eastern Transylvania, Romania

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  • Create Date 1 July 2017

Limited information is currently available on the parasite fauna of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Transylvania, Romania. During 2011-2015 we identified endoparasites from 211 scat samples collected from free-ranging bears and 37 samples from organ tissue of adult individuals harvested by hunters in Eastern Transylvania. We found endoparasites in 40.7% of samples overall; 37.9% of scats and 56.8% of harvested bears. We identified 6 nematodes including undetermined species of the family Ancylostomatidae, Baylisascaris transfuga, Crenosoma sp., undetermined species of the order Spirurida, Trichinella sp., and Trichuris sp. We also found one undetermined protozoan species of the subclass Coccidia, the cestode Taenia sp., and the trematode Dicrocoelium dendriticum. We did not detect seasonal variation in B. transfuga incidence, nor in overall parasite prevalences. In Transylvania, brown bears' space use overlaps with that of domestic animals, creating a potential risk for the transmission of parasite infections. Supplemental feeding of bears and other wildlife species as part of current management practices may increase the potential for parasitic infections by artificially concentrating wildlife.