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- Create Date 1 January 1980
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Dens of black bears (Ursus americanus) were located in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park using radiotelemetry. Bears preferred cavities located high in large trees; 7 dens were 6-17 m aboveground. Dens were associated with northern hardwood and cove hardwood forest types. All but 2 of the 12 dens located were at elevations above 1,000 m. The average dbh of 7 den trees was 97.1 cm. Inside dimensions of 7 tree dens averaged 218.4 × 59.6 × 62.0 cm. Tree dens are of definite survival value to bears, particularly females and cubs. Such dens offer protection from precipitation, cold temperatures, and human activities. Perpetuation of tree dens outside protected areas such as national parks is unlikely under current forest management practices.