Are There Andean Bears in Panamá?

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  • Create Date 1 November 2008

We present the results of a 2007 survey for Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus) at Serranía de Pirre, Panamá. We surveyed game trails using methodology developed by the Andean Bear Program of the Wildlife Conservation Society. We searched a total of 14 km along 3 trails and found 4 trees with claw marks resembling Andean bear activity signs. No other bear activity signs were found. The type and encounter rate of activity signs found at Serranía de Pirre indicate either a very sporadic and brief presence of Andean bears in the area or the absence of Andean bears and the misidentification of the claw marks as bear signs. We conclude that there is no resident population of Andean bears at the Serranía de Pirre and probably at the adjacent southernmost Serranía de Jingurudo. The only other mountain range biogeographically related with the Andes with reports of Andean bear presence in Panamá is the northernmost Serranía del Darién. Serranía del Darién should be surveyed to confirm the status of Andean bears in Panamá.