Advertising value of the brown bear in the Italian Alps

In Italy, the reintroduction of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) has created conflicts with people because bears may damage livestock, crops, or honey farms. These damages-and their financial costs-are sometimes used as an argument by those who oppose the presence of this carnivore. Despite such damages, bears can provide economic benefits, such as attracting eco-tourists for bear-watching. The Advertising Value Equivalent was used to assess the value of the bears' appearances in newscasts and documentaries from 2011 to 2015. The marketing value of the bear as a promoter largely exceeds the amount of reimbursements for damages. This method can be used to highlight the economic benefit that the bear can produce for a destination and contribute to complex discussions with managers and stakeholders.

  • Author(s) Clara Tattoni and Gianluca Grilli and Marco Ciolli
  • Volume 27
  • Issue 2
  • Pages 110-121
  • Publication Date 1 January 2017
  • DOI 10.2192/ursu-d-16-00011.1
  • File Size 386.97 KB