Grizzly Bear Predation on a Bison Calf in Yellowstone National Park
Grizzly Bear Predation on a Bull Bison in Yellowstone National Park
Probable Grizzly Bear Predation on an American Black Bear in Yellowstone National Park
Andean Bear-Cattle Interactions and Tree Nest Use in Bolivia and Venezuela
New Strategies for Bear Conservation: Collaboration between Resource Agencies and Environmental Organizations
We contend that conservation of bear populations and their habitats requires alliances between resource agencies and environmentalists-conservationists from non-governmental environmental organizations (NGEO). Although agencies and NGEOs usually have similar missions, collaborations is often the exception rather than the rule. This paper identifies the perspectives and constraints within agencies and NGEOs that frequently lead to confrontation […]
Reducing Bear-Human Conflict through River Recreation Management
Risk assessment of bear (Ursus spp.)-human interaction at river campsites is an effective tool for managing human use, but it only addresses 1 of many issues important for minimizing bear-human conflict along rivers. We suggest strategies to meet the objectives: (1) minimize risk to people and bears at river campsites, (2) ensure that bears do […]
Experiences with Trapping, Chemical Immobilization, and Radiotagging of Brown Bears in Slovenia
Wildlife research on brown bears (Ursus arctos) and other shy, nocturnal, or forest dwelling animals with large ranges has improved enormously with the help of radiotelemetry. However, in the small and threatened bear populations of central and southern Europe, accidents that may injure or kill a bear during trapping, immobilization, and radiotagging are a major […]
Bear Reintroductions: Lessons and Challenges: Invited Paper
Reintroduction is defined as an attempt to establish a species in an area that was once part of its historical range, but from which it has been extirpated or become extinct. Historically, one of the most successful programs was the reintroduction of 254 American black bears (Ursus americanus) from Minnesota to the Interior Highlands of […]
Misconceptions, Ironies, and Uncertainties regarding Trends in Bear Populations: Invited Paper
Despite our rapidly increasing knowledge of bears, there are few places in the world where we really know how bear populations are faring. I argue that bear conservation would benefit by highlighting rather than hiding this uncertainty. Assessments of bear populations often are based on records of dead animals and trends in habitat availability. These […]
A Passively Triggered Foot Snare Design for American Black Bears to Reduce Disturbance by Non-Target Animals
American black bears (Ursus americanus) are commonly captured throughout their range for research or management purposes. However, with the most commonly used capture devices, capture of non-target animals and disturbance of traps can substantially reduce capture efficiency. Here, we describe a passively-triggered snare designed to capture black bears and reduce such trap disturbance. The passively […]