Enhancements to population monitoring of Yellowstone grizzly bears

In the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, counts of female grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) with cubs-of-the-year (females with cubs) from systematic aerial surveys and opportunistic ground sightings are combined with demographic data to derive annual population estimates. We addressed 2 limitations to the monitoring approach. As part of a rule set, a conservative distance of >30 km […]

Genetic status and conservation implications of endangered Formosan black bears

The Formosan black bear (Ursus thibetanus formosanus, FBB) is an endangered subspecies of Asiatic black bear, geographically isolated in Taiwan from 6 other subspecies on the Asian continent and in Japan. Data on the genetic diversity and structure of wild FBB are lacking, though 2 potential hotspots for FBB occurrence have been identified; Yushan National […]

Asiatic black bears and sun bears in Virachey National Park, Northeast Cambodia

A wildlife camera-trapping survey spanning 5 years, from January 2014 to 2021 in Virachey National Park in Northeast Cambodia, turned up notable records of Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) and sun bears (Helarctos malayanus). Both species are in decline throughout Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia) as a result of illegal logging, agricultural and infrastructure development […]

Infanticide or predation? Cannibalism by a brown bear in Hokkaido, Japan

Cannibalism in brown bears (Ursus arctos) is infrequently reported worldwide. This study reports evidence of brown bear cannibalism in northern Hokkaido, Japan. In April 2017, we found a bear scat containing the body parts of a bear cub. We also found a series of tracks (width of the front track: 16 cm) of an adult […]

Factors influencing Arctic brown bear annual home range sizes and limitations of home range analyses

Home range size is a basic ecological index related to individual’s realized niche. Its size can be influenced by body size, sex, maternal status, population density, habitat productivity, spatiotemporal variation of resources, climate, predation risk, and disturbance. Home range estimation can also be greatly affected by methodology and sampling regime. We used Global Positioning System […]

Cannibalism in bears

Bears are the largest terrestrial carnivores, and most bear species can be characterized as opportunistic omnivores. An infrequent foraging tactic for bears is cannibalism, where a bear consumes a conspecific individual, either through scavenging or following intraspecific predation. Although several reports of cannibalism events are known, no attempt has been made so far to gather […]

Survival of rehabilitated yearling American black bears

Scant information regarding the fate of rehabilitated American black bears (Ursus americanus) postrelease exists in the literature. We estimated survival of 28 rehabilitated bears that were released between 2015 and 2018 in North Carolina, USA, and investigated what biological, landscape, and behavioral factors influenced their survival in their first year postrelease. Sixty-one percent of the […]

Population estimation of Asiatic black bear in the Himalayan Region of India using camera traps

Robust population estimation of rare or elusive threatened species lacking distinct identifiable features poses a challenge in the field of conservation and management. The Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) is one such species. Methodological frameworks-such as radiotelemetry, genetic sampling, and camera-trapping-though crucial and advantageous, sometimes require additional information through invasive methods for individual identification. In […]