Antenna angle and height influence GPS fix success and fix type in captive grizzly bears
GPS collars have greatly increased the number of locations obtained for individual animals during telemetry studies, but missed location attempts (missed fixes) may create bias in habitat analyses unless appropriately modeled. We placed GPS collars on captive grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) and observed their behavior while the collars attempted to obtain locations. Bear behavior influenced […]
Selection of microsatellite loci for genetic monitoring of sloth bears
The sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) is a threatened species endemic to the Indian subcontinent. To date, no reliable method has been developed for identifying individuals or monitoring their populations. Here we describe a non-invasive genetic monitoring technique for individual identification of sloth bears. After testing 18 microsatellites developed for other carnivore species, including ursids, we […]
Polar bear use of a persistent food subsidy: Insights from non-invasive genetic sampling in Alaska
Remains of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) harvested by Iñupiat whalers are deposited in bone piles along the coast of Alaska and have become persistent and reliable food sources for polar bears (Ursus maritimus). The importance of bone piles to individuals and the population, the patterns of use, and the number, sex, and age of bears […]
American black bear mating behavior and chemosensation of estrus
Quantitative documentation of bear (Ursidae) mating behavior is sparse and incomplete. Understanding subtleties of mating behavior and how it differs between successful and unsuccessful mate pairings is a crucial first step to permit empirical testing of sexual selection hypotheses and to inform captive breeding efforts. Because bears possess extremely sensitive olfactory systems and are well […]
Effects of variable selection on modelling habitat and potential distribution of the Andean bear in Bolivia
Species distribution models are used in ecology and conservation biology to draw inferences about the drivers of species’ ranges. However, poor conceptual background, environmental variable selection, and algorithm selection can contribute to misleading model predictions. We assessed the effects of environment variable selection and compared statistical performance and output maps of correlative resource- and biotope-based […]
The fate of transported American black bears in Yosemite National Park
Wildlife management personnel often transport human food-conditioned (FC) bears (Ursidae) from developed areas (areas with high human-use) to undeveloped areas to reduce the number of bear incidents and property damage in developed areas. Our goal was to determine if American black bears (Ursus americanus) return to developed areas after being transported to undeveloped areas in […]
Supplemental feeding with carrion is not reducing brown bear depredations on sheep in Slovenia
Supplemental feeding is often believed to be a successful tool for reducing human-bear (Ursus arctos) conflicts, especially in Europe. However, effectiveness of this measure is poorly understood and there is growing concern for potential negative side-effects. This is particularly true for supplemental feeding using livestock carrion. Carrion feeding is considered especially effective in reducing livestock […]
Influence of overnight recreation on grizzly bear movement and behavior in Yellowstone National Park
Interactions among recreational users and grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) are a continuous challenge for bear managers. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA uses a system of designated backcountry campsites to manage overnight use and provides bear-resistant food-storage devices for recreational users. Few studies have evaluated how this type of management and recreation influences grizzly bear behavior. […]
Black bear baiting in Alaska and in Alaska’s National Park Service lands, 1992-2010
We assessed American black bear (Ursus americanus) harvest trends, generally, and black bear harvest over bait, specifically, in Alaska from 1992 to 2010 at 3 spatial scales: statewide, on drainages adjacent to and including National Park Service (NPS) units, and on NPS lands. Statewide, black bear reported harvest increased by an average of 93 bears/year, […]
Status of bears in Bangladesh: going, going, gone?
Three species of bears occur in Bangladesh, but most populations have declined to very low numbers or disappeared completely. No systematic surveys have been conducted to determine status and distribution of the remnant populations. Therefore, we conducted surveys at 87 sites with historical records of bears. Footprints, claw marks, and other signs were used to […]