How Agencies Respond to Human-Black Bear Conflicts: A Survey of Wildlife Agencies in North America

Managing interactions between humans and American black bears (Ursus americanus) has evolved from public feeding and viewing of garbage-habituated bears to nationwide bear education campaigns focused on removing food attractants. We conducted a self-administered survey to assess how wildlife agencies respond to human-bear conflict and identified techniques currently used to manage conflicts throughout US, Canada, […]

Systematic Collection of Bear-Human Interaction Information for Alaska’s National Parks

We present a database application designed to standardize the collection and entry of brown and black bear (Ursus arctos and U. americanus)-human interaction data, formalize data storage methods, and analyze patterns of bear-human interactions in Alaska’s National Parks. The National Park Service Alaska Region Bear-Human Information Management System (BHIMS) facilitates the systematic collection of biologically […]

Landscape Characteristics of Sloth Bear Range in Sri Lanka

Little is known about the biology, status, or distribution of sloth bears (Melursus ursinus) in Sri Lanka. To facilitate sloth bear conservation, information is needed about where bears occur and what landscapes support their populations. We overlaid a 5- × 5-km grid on 1:50,000-scale land-use maps covering historic sloth bear range in Sri Lanka. In […]

Sub-Sampling Genetic Data to Estimate Black Bear Population Size: A Case Study

Costs for genetic analysis of hair samples collected for individual identification of bears average approximately US$50 [2004] per sample. This can easily exceed budgetary allowances for large-scale studies or studies of high-density bear populations. We used 2 genetic datasets from 2 areas in the southeastern United States to explore how reducing costs of analysis by […]

Population Growth of Yellowstone Grizzly Bears: Uncertainty and Future Monitoring

Grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem of the US Rocky Mountains have recently increased in numbers, but remain vulnerable due to isolation from other populations and predicted reductions in favored food resources. Harris et al. (2006) projected how this population might fare in the future under alternative survival rates, and in doing […]

Distance-Based Criteria to Identify Minimum Number of Brown Bear Females with Cubs in Europe

Counts of females with cubs-of-the-year (FWC) have been used as an index for monitoring brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations or estimating a minimum number of adult females in several small and medium-sized populations. Because discriminating among family groups is crucial to this procedure, we sought to improve criteria used to differentiate among FWC using spatial […]

Brown Bear Population Trends from Demographic and Monitoring-Based Estimators

A primary goal of monitoring wildlife populations is the estimation of population growth rate, λ. Two common methods by which biologists estimate λ are demographic studies of marked individuals, which tend to be expensive and labor-intensive, and estimators derived from time series of population indices. We compare grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) population growth rates in […]