Diet and Feeding Habits of Asiatic Black Bears in the Northern Japanese Alps

Habitat loss and bear-human conflicts are reported throughout Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) range. Sound understanding of Asiatic black bear food habits and ecology is needed to develop effective conservation policies to protect or restore Asiatic black bear habitat and to reduce bear-human conflicts. We documented food habits and aspects of the feeding ecology of […]

Grizzly Bear Food Habits in the Northern Yukon, Canada

We documented seasonal food habits of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in the Firth River Valley, Ivvavik National Park (INP), northern Yukon, Canada, 1993-1995 using: (1) analysis of 176 scats, (2) 222 hours of direct observation, and (3) 99 feeding site investigations. In spring, the primary grizzly bear food plants were alpine hedysarum (Hedysarum alpinum) roots […]

Survival of Nuisance American Black Bears Released On-Site in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Since 1990, wildlife biologists in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) have used capture and on-site release as the primary management technique to reduce recurrence of nuisance activity by American black bears (Ursus americanus). On-site release involves the capture and immobilization of bears that frequent developed areas, collection of biological data, and subsequent release in […]

Andean Bear Habitat Use in the Oyacachi River Basin, Ecuador

One of the primary threats to Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) populations in Ecuador is conversion of bear habitat to human uses, resulting in habitat loss and fragmentation. To develop science-based conservation plans, information on the suitability and distribution of Andean bear habitat is critically needed. We studied habitat use in the 721-km2 Oyacachi River Basin […]

Female American Black Bear Use of Managed Forest and Agricultural Lands in Coastal North Carolina

American black bear use of intensively managed forestry and agricultural environments in the southeastern United States is poorly understood. During 1992-94, we radiomonitored female black bears (Ursus americanus) to determine home range and habitat use characteristics in 2 managed agroforestry environments in the North Carolina coastal plain. These areas represented opposite ends of the land-management […]

Dispersal Movements by Subadult American Black Bears in Virginia

Dispersal plays an important role in the population dynamics of large carnivores; however, dispersal by subadult American black bears (Ursus americanus) is poorly understood in Virginia, as well as in North America. Thus, during 1999-2002, we studied the movements of 31 (11M:20F) subadult black bears born on 2 study areas in western Virginia and 70 […]

Denning Ecology of Brown Bears and Asiatic Black Bears in the Russian Far East

We observed differences in den types, den site characteristics, and chronology of denning between radiocollared brown bears (Ursus arctos) and Asiatic black bears (U. thibetanus) on and near the Sikhote-Alin Biosphere Zapovednik in the Russian Far East during 1993-2002. Of 27 Asiatic black bear dens, 17 (63%) were in hollow trees, 6 (22%) in ground […]

Effects of Hunting on Brown Bear Cub Survival and Litter Size in Alaska

We present data from 4 studies of radiomarked brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Alaska to evaluate the effects of hunting and differential removal of males on cub survival and litter size. In the Susitna area in southcentral Alaska, the proportion of males declined during a period of increasing hunting pressure (1980-96). Cub survivorship was higher […]