Cementum Annuli Are Unreliable Reproductive Indicators in Female Brown Bears
The accuracy of using cementum layers in teeth to reconstruct reproductive histories has been evaluated for black bears (Ursus americanus) but not for brown bears (Ursus arctos). We tested the hypothesis that years when brown bears successfully reared cubs could be identified in teeth by a cementum layer that was thinner than layers in either […]
Radiotracking Large Wilderness Mammals: Integration of GPS and Argos Technology
We tested 30 prototype global positioning system (GPS) radiocollars on brown bears (Ursus arctos) over a 3-year period on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Collars were of 2 design types: GPS units with an Argos (Argos Data collection and Location System) satellite uplink (n = 19) and GPS units where the data were stored on board […]
Molecular Genetic Applications for Bear Research
Recent advances in molecular genetic techniques have generated a new and exciting range of possible applications of genetic methods to bear (Ursus spp.) research, conservation, and management. These advances have led to an explosion in genetic research on bear populations and an increased interest in genetic technology among researchers working in other scientific disciplines. This […]
Characteristics of Nonsport Mortalities to Brown and Black Bears and Human Injuries from Bears in Alaska
We examined the reasons bears are reported killed in defense of life or property (DLP) in Alaska as an index to causes and frequency of conflicts between humans and bears, and compared the sex and age composition of DLP kills with that of sport-killed bears. Data came from standardized questionnaires filled out by persons shooting […]
Habitat Security for Alaskan Black Bears at Key Foraging Sites: Are There Thresholds for Human Disturbance?
We examined the distribution, individual diversity, and fishing activity of black bears (Ursus americanus) in relation to human activity on an Alaskan salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) stream to determine the impacts of wildlife viewing on bear foraging behavior. We logged 622 observation hours in 1994 and 1995 at 2 falls on Anan Creek, southeast Alaska. The […]
Landowners’ Perceptions of Crop Damage and Management Practices Related to Black Bears in East-Central Minnesota
We mailed surveys to landowners in east-central Minnesota to evaluate their perceptions of black bears (Ursus americanus), crop damage caused by bears, and management strategies to mitigate damage. The survey area had more bear-related crop damage than any other part of the state. Respondents (n = 281) indicated that crop damage from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus […]
Human Injuries Inflicted by Bears in British Columbia: 1960-97
There is controversy in British Columbia regarding how dangerous bears are. Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) population estimates range from 10,000-13,000; black bears (U. americanus), 120,000-160,000. From 1960-97, significantly fewer grizzly bears inflicted about 3 times as many serious injuries (N = 41 versus 14) but the same number of fatal injuries (N = 8) as […]
Bear-Human Encounters in Austria
I analyzed 515 reliable reports of bear (Ursus arctos) observations and encounters in Austria during 1990-96 with respect to season, time of day, profession and activity of the observer, distance to the bear, reaction of the bear, and reaction of humans. Most commonly, bears were observed by hunters or foresters at dawn or dusk, when […]
Attitudes of Austrian Hunters and Vienna Residents Toward Bear and Lynx in Austria
We analyzed 3 aspects of the human dimension of large carnivore conservation in Austria. We examined hunter ranking of wildlife species and suggest that while hunters still remain negative to brown bears (Ursus arctos) and lynx (Lynx lynx), there are differences between those who live in provinces with a longer tradition of living with bears […]
Human-Imposed Threats to Sun Bears in Borneo
The sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is the least studied bear species, and little information exists on threats to its survival. Based on studies of other bear species, I hypothesized that sun bears on the island of Borneo are threatened by destruction of habitat and hunting. The results of this 3-year survey confirmed this hypothesis. More […]